The Harold B. and Dorothy A. Snyder Foundation, exists to provide financial support to and empower the development and innovation of institutions and individuals
in New Jersey that hold high promise.
Enhancing Educational Opportunities
The Snyder Foundation has a Scholarship Program that provides tuition assistance to hundreds of college student, helping unleash their potential and lead them on to successful careers and more fulfilling lives.
Expanding Quality Medical Care
Over the past decade, the Snyder Foundation has invested close to $10 million into various projects at the Harold B. and Dorothy A. Sndyer Schools of Nursing and other medical centers aimed at innovating and implementing a spectrum of essential new medical services and facilities.
Preserving America's Rich Heritage
The Snyder Foundation recently funded a large-scale community project – the restoration, preservation and renovation of Old First Presbyterian Church of Elizabeth, which dates back some 350 years and has witnessed numerous historic landmark events.
The Snyder Foundation made it possible for Trinitas Regional Medical Center to update diagnostic equipment in our Emergency Department.
This essential equipment improved patient outcomes by eliminating long transport obstacles and better imaging studies.
The Snyder Foundation trustees showed great concern for our patients and we appreciate their kindness and generosity.–Nadine Brechner,
Chief Development Officer & Vice President,
Trinitas Health Foundation
Newark Boys Chorus School is honored that the Snyder Foundation selected our school to form an ongoing educational-philanthropic partnership. The funds will be used to:
Purchase iPad Pros for all incoming NBCS students. Every student at the school has a iPad for use in school, at home and while on tour. This enables the teacher to extend the classroom day, stay in touch with the students, real-time and to provide appropriate feedback.
Need Based Lunch Program: These funds will be used during the second semester to provide daily lunch for students based on need.
Wireless Keyboarding Laboratory: This project replaces the 20 year-old laboratory that is not capable of any form of communications via the internet. Now our students will utilize cloud-based apps to learn keyboarding skills and programs such as Garage Band to compose and arrange music.
We are excited to advance the educational programs at the school through our cooperative venture with The Snyder Foundation.
– Richard Willett, Head of School, Newark Boys Chorus School
The Harold B. and Dorothy A. Snyder Foundation has made it possible for many deserving and talented students to receive a valued education in Nursing Science. By supporting the education of these scholarship recipients, the Foundation has made a profound commitment to their academic success.
– Dr. Marie Foley, Dean of the College of Nursing, Seton Hall University
Every contribution to NJIT is an investment in some of the country's
most promising future leaders. With your support, we will continue to
prepare exceptional students for extraordinary careers. Thank you to The
Harold B. and Dorothy A. Snyder Foundation for being a loyal supporter
since 2012.
– Prof. John A. Wiggins, P.E., P.P., Esq., F.ASCE, Program Coordinator, CET & CMT Programs, Department of Engineering Technology,